Family Law Insights

Divorce Lawyers in Georgia: 10 Signs of Troubled Marriages

Posted on: August 12th, 2013

signs-of-troubled-marriageBefore you race to the yellow pages and start looking up “best Atlanta divorce law firm”, take some time to really evaluate your relationship. Fighting is a common occurrence between couples. In fact occasional fighting and butting of heads can actually be beneficial for couples. But when your occasional disputes turns into constant fighting and indifference, your relationship may be in murky waters. Is your marriage possibly in trouble? Here are ten signs that there might be a bigger problem than which piece of furniture to get.

1. Unhappiness with relationship:
Do you find yourself feeling unhappier when you are with your spouse? If so, this should be a red flag signaling a greater problem. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you should get ready to sign the divorce papers, but it does mean that you and your partner should take time to figure out what is causing the unhappiness.

2. Same repeated arguments:
If you and your spouse are having the same arguments over and over again, it could mean that you are realizing different core values. People are bound to change as they age. Sometimes the change is minor, sometimes it is for the better, and sometimes those changes can cause a rift between two people.

3. Lack of physical intimacy:
Physical intimacy is a good indication of troubled marriages. Happily married couples report high levels of physical intimacy even after many years. High reason for divorce has been lack of physical intimacy.

4. Constant criticism:
Are you constantly criticizing your partner? Is your partner constantly finding ways to belittle you? Constructive criticism is one thing, but constant criticism is a clear sign that something is amiss. People often resort to criticism to uncover their unhappiness with something in general.

divorce-in-georgia5. Lack of communication:
When you have good or bad news, do you shy away from telling your spouse? Communication is key for a functioning relationship. A tall tale sign of a troubled marriage is lack of communication on all levels.

6. Threat of physical abuse:
Any relationship where one of the spouses is in danger of physical or emotional abuse is one that is on rocky foundation. Abuse of any kind goes beyond a failed marriage. If you are in an abusive marriage, look into a quality divorce lawyer who can represent you.

7. Constant nitpicking:
Repeated nitpicking can be annoying. Such a habit is able to put up a wall between you and your partner. Unless it is within your personality to nitpick other people as well, your habit of nitpicking your wife/husband can be your subconscious tugging at your overall dissatisfaction with something deeper.

8. Suspicions of infidelity:
Infidelity is one of the most common reasons and grounds for filing a divorce in Georgia, nationwide, and worldwide. People who suspect their partner is cheating are either right or allow the worry to consume them.

9. Lack of common goals and virtues:
Change is inevitable. We can’t predict how we as individuals evolve, how our goals change, and how our priorities change. However a common reason for divorce occurs when a spouse places more importance on work or if a spouse lacks any kind of goals.

10. Find yourself looking for distractions:
Spending time with your partner should not be a requirement, tedious, or dreaded. If you’re looking for ways to distract yourself or to spend less time with your partner, it might be time to address the issue at hand.

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