Family Law Insights

What the World Would Look Like If Divorce Disappeared Tomorrow

Posted on: August 12th, 2013

A world Without DivorceAt least for the foreseeable future, it would seem that divorce attorneys will still be necessary. Divorce is a fact of our world, of our society. However, that doesn’t stop anyone from dreaming what a world without divorce might look like. Here are a few changes, a mix of both practical and speculative, that might occur if divorce disappeared tomorrow:

  1. Marriage would take on new meaning. Without divorce, marriage would never be looked at the same way again. If marriage was absolutely set for life, a covenant in the traditional way western societies have approached divorce (minus Henry the 8th and his ilk, who used more violent means of approaching the issue), there would be two watershed effects. The marriage rate would most likely decrease even more than it has been, and the average age of marriage would increase as well. If marriage was truly forever, many would think twice before ever popping the question.
  2. Need and utilization of marriage counseling might increase. Every relationship has difficulties, no matter if it’s a marriage, friendship, or even two strangers. Yet seeking help from a licensed marriage counselor when things go south isn’t often utilized as a resource, for a variety of reasons. If divorce was gone and the only way forward was to make it work, couples might flock to marriage counselors. One could argue that this might improve at least the mental and emotional health of our society, in that people who might desperately need counseling wouldn’t seek it out except for in the need to make marriage work.
  3. People would still be human. Despite the positive benefits of divorce being gone, there would definitely be some downsides. Even if divorce disappeared, there would still be people who are unhappy and unsatisfied in their marriage, and there would still be legitimate cause for seeking a divorce, including among many other things, abuse. How society would approach those cases would be a difficult challenge, and provisions would have to somehow be made for separating relationships that are clearly unhealthy for one or both parties.

Only time will tell how the evolving role of divorce will impact society in the future. For the present, if you are considering a divorce, seek the guidance of  a practiced Atlanta divorce lawyer.

I’ve worked with Kitchens New Cleghorn LLC on several legal items from small to large. They are thorough, professional and so enjoyable to work with. They are my first recommendation to anyone seeking legal services.
FAMILY LAW ATTORNEYS John DiNatale, Divorce Lawyer in Atlanta
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