Family Law Insights

Which Experts Can Help You During Your Divorce?

Posted on: September 15th, 2015

17737-business-man-hand-pvOur divorce attorneys are accomplished at what we do. In addition to being compassionate listeners who help our clients navigate the sometimes confusing waters of divorce, we also associate with other professionals who can help during a divorce. We have identified some of the most important experts:

  1. A financial expert or forensic accountant can assist in identifying and defining marital assets, and whether there may be separate, non-marital (pre-marital) assets. They can also help to find “hidden” assets that one spouse may have not known about as well as offer specific advice. Sometimes in marriages where spousal roles are “traditional” – with one spouse working full time and the other being the homemaker – the homemaker spouse often is not as familiar with financial matters or marital assets. A financial expert is often able to assist.
  2. A private investigator can sometimes be helpful in finding out specifics about your spouse’s conduct and misconduct. This could include infidelity, drug use, or other behaviors that would have a bearing on the divorce case, especially when children are involved.
  3. A therapist is or mental health counselor can be very beneficial for the person going through the divorce, and possibly even for the children. They can help with attachment/detachment issues, self-worth, making positive choices and dealing with grief.

If you are going through a divorce or plan to, you should start with an expert divorce attorney, such as the lawyers at Kitchens New Cleghorn. You should also consider what other professionals you should recruit to your team based on your anticipated needs. Ask for recommendations and hire the professional that you feel would do the best job for you. Divorce can be difficult so having a team of professionals is a great way to insure that you have all of the support you need until you move into the next chapter of your life.

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